On-site Services

On-site Services

There will be various people providing radio-related services on site, and the aim is to try and have some coordination over spectrum usage and location-sharing where possible. We will be monitoring 145.550Mhz FM, intended for general and fallback communications.

What? Callsign Where? Output Input Who? Notes
APRS Digipeter G1EMF X50 on top of MastCar, diplexed with MB5DL 144.8000 144.8000 Plett (M0PLL)
P25 Simplex Gateway 144.8250 144.8250 Josh (M0JMO)
2M FM Repeater GB3IF “likely a slimjim strapped to the side of the tent” 145.5875 144.5875 Jim (M0ZAH) 118.8 CTCSS
70cm FM Repeater GB3MF Tryst’s Clark Mast 430.8000 438.4000 Tryst (M0TRY) 118.8 CTCSS
70cm Fusion/FM Repeater MB5DL X50 on top of MastCar, diplexed with G1EMF APRS 430.3500 439.3500 Jim (M0ZAH) 118.8 CTCSS
DAPNET POCSAG Transmitter MB7PMF The Northern Quarter Village 439.9875 Dan (M0NXN) www
DMR Repeater GB7NQ The Northern Quarter Village 430.8750 438.4750 Malcom (M0VNA) www
LoRa APRS Gateway MB7ULG The Norther Quarter Village 439.9125 439.9125 Malcom (M0VNA) www
LoRa ISM Gateway The Northern Quarter Village ~868 ~868 Malcom (M0VNA) www